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So far has created 45 blog entries.

Meet Montana’s Agritourism Industry

2019-01-30T21:11:49+00:00January 28th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Farm to table meals are becoming more popular as we all take more of an interest in where our food comes from and in eating fresher, healthier ingredients. Building on this concept is a new, unique form of tourism known as agritourism ̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶̶- an up and coming industry in Montana. Agritourism is currently defined by Montana House Bill 342 as a “form of commercial enterprise that links agricultural production or agricultural processing with tourism in order to attract visitors to a farm, ranch, or other agricultural business for purposes

Our First Year in Destination Management: Turning Challenges into Successes and What’s Next

2019-01-02T21:54:50+00:00January 2nd, 2019|Categories: Glacier Region, Marketing, Missoula, Montana Destinations, Yellowstone Region|Tags: , , , , , , |

Not only does this time of year bring the inevitable thoughts of personal resolutions (ahem, go to the gym), but it is also a perfect time for an MNW Destinations Year in Review.  MNW Designations (a sister company to Meetings Northwest, Inc.) launched at the end of January 2018 as a solution to groups coming to Montana and needing on-site help from Montana experts.  We focused our efforts on the regions we know best: Bozeman/Yellowstone, Missoula, and Flathead Valley/Glacier.  Destination Management is not a new concept in the travel

Meeting Shift: You can have a high quality meeting in rural America.

2018-11-14T19:02:03+00:00November 14th, 2018|Categories: Glacier Region, Montana Destinations|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Meeting Professionals International (MPI) could not have timed their November 2018 article highlighting meetings in Montana any better.  At least for my blogging purposes.  Titled, Open Your Mind, author Maria Lenhart quotes Samantha Lange, National Sales Manager for the Resort at Paws Up, “For many people, Montana is a place they have wondered about and always wanted to go to.  It’s a great place to open your mind, disconnect and get back to what’s really important.”  We, at MNW Destinations, couldn’t agree more. The article ran in MPI’s monthly

Define Home

2018-10-22T22:46:44+00:00October 22nd, 2018|Categories: Glacier Region, local events, Missoula, Montana Destinations, Yellowstone Region|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

It wouldn’t take long for any of our clients to tell you that we are very proud of our roots in Montana. Five of the seven MNW Destinations staff were born and raised in Montana and the other two have lived here for more than a decade. Montana is home. Homecoming, homeschool, homebody, homeowner, homemaker, homegrown, homeroom, homepage, homeboy (or homegirl) are all words used to describe an event, person, or location that is centered and grounded. Home is such a cozy

The benefits of sourcing locally

2018-10-10T16:21:39+00:00October 10th, 2018|Categories: local events, Montana Destinations, Yellowstone Region|Tags: |

One of my favorite things is to find the best local items and share them with others. Finding a really great restaurant to take guests to, an amazing artist that showcases the local culture, or unique gifts that you won’t find anywhere else is an exciting challenge. In May, we facilitated a conference in Bozeman and we needed thank you gifts for the sponsors and speakers. I used to live in Bozeman and was excited to see what was still around that would work for these gifts.

Meetings as an experience

2018-10-10T20:35:02+00:00September 11th, 2018|Categories: Montana Destinations, Team Building|Tags: , |

What was your favorite meeting or conference that you have attended? Why was it your favorite? Did you have an “ah-ha” moment? Make a lifetime memory? Build an incredible relationship? How did these things happen? Everyone is getting busier. Time is a highly sought after commodity. Attention spans are getting shorter. Attendees are going online instead of going in person. To stay in the game, meeting planners are finding new ways to make meetings not just about information or education, but about the experience you have while you are

Why We Should all Go to our Local Fairs

2018-08-07T00:45:19+00:00August 6th, 2018|Categories: local events, Missoula, Montana Destinations|Tags: , , , |

Come see us Western Montana Fair! August 7th-12th at the Western Montana Fair Grounds….gate admission is FREE! Get schedule here It is that time of year again when Autumn (the gal who holds our office and a lot of our client associations together) disappears for a week to play with sheep and cows while her children work their tails off at the Western Montana Fair.  I can hear her sharp witted “ha” response to that line and she isn’t even here with me today. Okay,

Team Building, a worthwhile investment?

2018-07-23T22:15:31+00:00July 26th, 2018|Categories: Montana Destinations, Team Building, Yellowstone Region|Tags: , , |

We think so. Brian Scudamore, Founder and CEO of O2E Brands which is ranked as one of the country’s best places to work, said of team building in this article for Forbes, “It builds trust, mitigates conflict, encourages communication, and increases collaboration. Effective team building means more engaged employees, which is good for company culture and boosting the bottom line.”  For these exact reasons, it is important to include team building on the agenda when planning a conference, board meeting, or retreat. Groups coming to Montana have an exciting opportunity to

Bitterroot Valley, not just a pretty place…

2018-07-12T21:38:19+00:00July 17th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

The Bitterroot Valley is comprised of several small towns nestled between the Bitterroot and Sapphire Mountains Ranges and tucked alongside the famous Bitterroot River.  The Bitterroot offers some of the most diverse adventure opportunities.  Whether it is delving into history, antiquing, tasting the local breweries, local shopping, fishing, bird watching, hiking, rock climbing, awe-inspiring landscapes and views, or enjoying one of the small towns’ community events, the Bitterroot Valley has an adventure waiting for you. Born and raised in Montana, I have spent most of my life just north

Find your best staycation!

2018-09-05T16:23:19+00:00July 12th, 2018|Categories: Glacier Region, Montana Destinations, Yellowstone Region|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

The summer is upon us! For most of us, this means juggling our own work, volunteer, and education schedules with family vacation getaways. This summer, the idea of a “staycation” has been very appealing after a busy spring. Then the kids start: “I’m boooooorrreeeeddd!” Whose idea was the staycation anyway? Let’s take a look at all the activities your local community has to offer to keep everyone engaged, or relaxed, this summer. Parks and Recreation – Take a look at the local parks and recreation

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